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Terms of Reference FRAMEWORK FOR PROVIDING SERVICES Travel Agency – Udruženje mreža za izgradnju mira

Services for Media Visits to Mostar under the Project Mostar

People in Need (Contracting Authority) is looking for the expert support (Contractor) to handle travel arrangements for foreign journalist visiting Mostar in the scope of the Project Mostar- Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate.

Project Mostar – Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate is a three-year project, which aims to improve the contents and use of public spaces in Mostar through the active involvement of citizens and support for their initiatives that contribute to the quality of civic, cultural and economic life in the city. The project supports citizens and local authorities to effectively use new skills, tools and mechanisms to address priorities in an inclusive, gender-sensitive, participatory and systematic manner.

Project will directly allocate funds (grant) for the financing of infrastructure projects and interventions in public space, as well as initiatives that will be led and designed by citizens, and which relate to common public space and common activities. Local Partners will implement a series of activities of mobilization and inclusion of citizens with the aim of establishing a dialogue between communities, regarding common priorities, within their spheres of activity.

The project lead is People in Need (PIN), a Czech non-governmental humanitarian organization, while other consortium’s equal members are Everyday Peace Indicators (EPI), OKC Abrašević, Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar) and NEŠTO VIŠE (NV). The project is financed by the Government of the United Kingdom.

The Project Mostar – Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate approach is a new way of perceiving things, create a positive spirit in the city, and show citizens that positive changes are attainable with time, even in peacebuilding efforts. The consortium believes that media amplification provides alternative narratives to counter the conflict-related and divisive narratives permeating throughout the city, country, and region. The visit of journalists is a crucial step in promoting a positive (or alternative) image of Mostar – promoting peace and stability in the region.

To address these challenges, the consortium will be inviting members of the international media to report on the progress, challenges, and opportunities within the city. The aim is to capitalize on the desire for an alternative narrative coming from divided communities like Mostar and to provide a platform for positive stories to reach a wider audience. The project consortium will not only rely on the national and regional media to carry the stories, but will also organize media visits to project activities to ensure that project successes reach as wide an audience as possible.

For media to help move regional and international perceptions beyond generic narratives of a city locked in a perpetual state of conflict and towards showcasing what the city also is – a community of opportunity, striving to build a more inclusive society. We aim to counteract negative conflict-related narratives and provide space for diverse perspectives to be heard, promoting unity and hope for a better future for all communities in Mostar.

Overall objective

The overall objective of the Project of which this Contract will be a part is as follows:

to improve the content and the use of public spaces in Mostar through active involvement of citizens, through investments in open and closed public spaces, funding of cross-community initiatives and joint activities of civil society organizations and local authorities.


The preferred bidder(s) will be required to enter into a framework contract of fixed price with one bidder (Purchase orders – PO) for a period of 8 (eight) months with PIN for the provision of the services of Travel Agency Services for Media Visits on conditions set out in these Terms of References. The purpose of this Contract is to support the Media Visits activity in terms of arranging travel and accommodation details for foreign journalists visiting Mostar for up to 4 nights in the period of July 2023 to March 2024.

Results to be achieved by the Contractor

Ñ The contractor should provide cost-effective solutions for travel and accommodation arrangements, staying within the allocated budget while still meeting the requirements of the project.

Ñ The contractor should provide comfortable and suitable accommodation for the journalists that meets their specific requirements, such as room type and location, with appropriate security measures in place.

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Ñ The contractor should provide travel insurance for the journalists during their stay in the country.

Ñ The contractor should maintain good communication with the journalists throughout their stay in Mostar, addressing any issues or concerns that may arise from their travel and/or accommodation arrangements.

The Contractor will be responsible for providing expert coordination support to the project activity titled Media Visit, pertaining to travel and accommodation of participants in the activity, namely the selected journalists from abroad to and staying in Mostar, based on consultations and inputs from the Contracting Authority.

Following tasks are to be implemented by the Contactor at the request/in consultation with the Contracting Authority:

Ñ Provision of individual international travel itineraries to 7 journalists visiting Mostar, including air travel, bus, car, and/or train and insurance.

Ñ Provision of individual accommodation in Mostar in single bed rooms with bathrooms and breakfast included, for overnight stays for a number of nights agreed with each journalist, not exceeding 4 nights. This may include overnight stay in Sarajevo in case of early/late flight.

Ñ Follow up on journalists during their stay and travel in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Responsible body

Body responsible for the management of this contract is the Contracting Authority – People in Need Mostar, Maršala Tita 95, 88000 Mostar.

Management structure

The Contractor will perform all tasks and duties as instructed by the Communication Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Project Manager. The outputs of the Contractor are subject to the prior approval of the Contracting Authority.

Project Manager from PIN is responsible for review of reports, other project documents, consultants’

invoices, addenda to the Contract and any other requests related to the Contract.

Communication Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina will supervise and monitor the implementation of the Contract on behalf of the Contracting Authority.

Contractor will present the Final Report to the Project Manager.

Start date & Period of implementation of tasks

The intended start date is July 2023 and the period of implementation of the contract will be up to 8 months, until March 2024.


All experts mobilized by the Contractor under this Contract must:

Ñ Language skills: be proficient in English and B/H/S;

Ñ Travel and Accommodation expertise: expertise in arranging travel and accommodation for groups, including knowledge of different transportation options and the ability to recommend suitable accommodation based on the journalist specific requirements.

Ñ Communication and Interpersonal Skills: excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as they will be liaising with the journalist, accommodation providers, and transport companies to ensure smooth and timely arrangements.

Ñ Attention to Detail: keen eye for detail, ensuring that all aspects of the travel and accommodation arrangements are carefully planned and executed, with no room for error.

Ñ Problem Solving Skills: ability to anticipate and resolve any issues or challenges that may arise during the travel and accommodation arrangements, ensuring that the journalist stay in Mostar is comfortable and hassle-free.

Ñ Cultural Sensitivity: respecting the local customs and traditions of Mostar, and able to provide recommendations for activities and experiences that align with the project’s objectives.

Ñ Financial Management: expertise in financial management, ensuring that all costs associated with travel and accommodation arrangements are within the allocated budget and that expenses are recorded accurately.

All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.

The total budget for the travel and accommodation arrangements for up to 7 journalists visiting Mostar should not exceed EUR 14,000 (see the detailed calculation below). This budget should cover all expenses related to flights, accommodation, transfers, insurance and any other necessary expenses.

Please note that any agency fee should be competitive and within the overall budget for the project and is up to the bidder to offer.

Bidders should provide a detailed breakdown of their proposed budget and should ensure that all costs are clearly stated and within the allocated budget.

    US     EU     WB    
    per perso n     per perso n     per perso n    
Travel & Insurance 2800 3 € 8,400. 00 800 2 € 1,600. 00 30 0 2 € 600.00  
Transfer 100 3 € 300.00 100 2 € 200.00 10 0 2 € 200.00  
Accommodat ion 320 3 € 960.00 320 2 € 640.00 32 0 2 € 640.00 4 x 80
City tax 6 3 € 18.00 6 2 € 12.00 6 2 € 12.00  
      9,678. 00     2,452. 00     1,452. 00 13,582. 00

Reporting requirements

The Contractor will submit the following reports in English language by e-mail:

Ñ Monthly Reports of maximum 1 page to be produced every first week of the month from the previous month of implementation. In the report the Contractor shall describe all arrangements made with statuses and costs. The Contractor should proceed with work unless the Contracting Authority sends comments to the reports.

Ñ Final report of maximum 3 pages (main text, excluding annexes). The deadline for sending the final report is 15 days after submitting the final output. The report shall contain the sufficiently detailed description of the different options, main results, over the course of the implementation period of the project. The final report must be provided along with the corresponding invoice.

Submission and approval of reports

The reports referred to above must be submitted to the Communication Coordinator and to Project Manager identified in the Contract.

The Project Manager is responsible for approving the final report.

Payment will be done per invoice submitted by awarded Contractor.

Invoice will be delivered to Contracting Authority after each realized visit, no later than five (5) days.

Definition of indicators

The performance of the Contractor will be judged upon reaching the purposes of this Contract as well as obtaining its results, as indicated in the above Section 4.

Special requirements

Any products made as part of this Contract are exclusive property of the Contracting Authority and cannot be under any circumstances used by the Contractor.

If You require any clarification relating to the ToR, such question should be sent to PIN by e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

No questions will be answered over the phone or in person. Bidders must write their questions in English.

Questions could be answered only until Friday, July 14, 2023. PIN does not guarantee that all questions will be answered.

Offer must remain valid for the period of 60 days from the date of closing unless withdrawn in writing before the close of tenders.

Offers have to be submitted to PIN at the following email address: [email protected] before closing date and time: Friday July 21, 2023 at 15:00. Bids received after the closing date & time will not be considered.

Email subject line should contain the following text: Tender Travel Agency Support – “Company Name/Name of expert”.

Qualification and Evaluation criteria

  1. To accept or reject the bid is the responsibility of the Evaluation Committee, decision of which shall be final.
  2. Each bidder must meet and properly prove the following qualification criteria with relevant documentation:

Ñ Filled, signed and stamped Sworn Eligibility Statement (Annex I)

Ñ Valid Business Registration Certificate issued by government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Certificate of the Fiscal Number. – The Bidder must submit a copy of their certificate documenting authorization to legally conduct work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ñ Past experience in implementation of similar projects – Bidder should list at least 2 (two) current and previous projects that are relevant to the type of work covered by this Terms of Reference (ToR). Projects identified should be of a type similar to the ToR specified work. If a Bidder does not have projects of a similar type, they should identify projects that show the ability to perform works as close as possible to the type identified. PIN reserves the right to contact all listed clients.

Ñ Required Skills and Experience of Expert Team members as stated above under point 5 Requirements.

  • The evaluation committee will evaluate and award the contract on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:

Price is the only evaluation criterion. The winning bidder shall be the bidder who has submitted the lowest price offer.

Text Box: Evaluation criteria	Weight
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Price Ñ Indicate the fee charged by the agency, it must be part of the overall budget of €14,000 (which includes covering the costs of accommodation, plane tickets, transportation, visas (if necessary), i.e. everything mentioned in the previous text. Ñ Proposed agent fee represents the best value, and all costs included are applicable to this activity, reasonable and allowable under PIN internal procurement rules. Agencies compete to offer the best offer for best value for the fee they charge for the realization of the arrangement.           100%
Total 100%

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